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【博彩平台推荐】 Run high-quality education and promote high-quality development

2023-03-10 12:21   来源:Hunan Normal University news network   作者:Wu Keming   点击:

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the expression "high-quality development" for the first time, indicating that China's economy has shifted from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development, and the report of the 20th National Congress repeatedly emphasized "promoting high-quality development".。"Education is the foundation of a century-long plan"。High-quality economic and social development is inseparable from high-quality education。The report of the 20th National Congress further emphasized the important position of education in building a strong country and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,As reflected in the report of the 20th Congress, important adjustments have been made to the status of education,For the first time, it moved from the original "people's livelihood" plate to the "development" plate (that is, "implementing the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education"),Strengthen talent support for modernization "section),Education, science and technology, and human resources are the basic and strategic support for comprehensively building a modern socialist country。The three aspects of education, science and technology, and talents are expounded together, highlighting the basic role and strategic support of education for national construction and development, and reflecting the Party's increasingly clear understanding of the value and status of education。This change has a profound historical background and an international background。

The current international situation is undergoing "profound changes unseen in a century".,The western countries of the United States in order to maintain its world hegemony,We have begun to contain and suppress the growing economy, trade, science and technology, diplomacy and educational exchanges,Begin to restrict the transfer of advanced technology to our country,It is more and more difficult for China to directly introduce advanced technology (especially key core technology), and the space of "market for technology" is increasingly narrow,It also leads to the gradual reduction of the opportunities of "dry learning" in cooperative production and the opportunity to study abroad to learn technology,This change forced our country to pay more attention to "scientific and technological self-reliance.,Independent innovation"。Scientific and technological innovation is inseparable from innovative talents, and the cultivation of talents is inseparable from education。"We must adhere to the principle that science and technology are the primary productive forces, talent is the first resource, innovation is the first driving force, and thoroughly implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talent, and the strategy of innovation-driven development."。The report of the 20th Congress also pointed out: "We must adhere to the priority development of education, self-reliance in science and technology, talent leadership and drive, accelerate the construction of a strong education, science and technology, talent, insist on educating the Party and the country, comprehensively improve the quality of talent funding and training, focus on creating top-notch innovative talents, and gather the world's talents.。It can be seen that the development of high-quality education plays a fundamental and key role in personnel training and scientific and technological innovation to achieve Chinese-style modernization。Therefore, we should study the report carefully and understand its essence deeply。

We must deeply understand that education is not only related to people's livelihood, but also related to development, is the basic and strategic support for high-quality development, and is a major plan of the country and the Party。Quality education and quality development go hand in hand。On the one hand, high-quality education leads and promotes high-quality development;Quality development, on the other hand, requires and tests quality education。The two need to coordinate and match to form a virtuous cycle。To this end, we need to give priority to the development of education, adhere to the people-centered development of education, accelerate the construction of a high-quality education system, develop quality education, and promote equality in education。

High-quality education should be better connected with talent and innovation, pay attention to the integrated development of the three, and cannot be separated。Scientific and technological innovation cannot be separated from talent or intellectual support, and talent training needs high-quality education。Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of national strategic talent force through the development of high-quality education, and strive to train and use more masters, strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovation teams, young scientific and technological talents, excellent engineers, great craftsmen and highly skilled talents。

High quality education is the organic unity of quantity, quality and structure。High-quality education should pay more attention to the optimization of educational structure and its adaptability to scientific and technological progress, industrial structure transformation and upgrading, and labor market structure reform。After more than 20 years of continuous college enrollment expansion, the increase of humanities and social subjects in China is too fast, and the increase of science and engineering students is slow, resulting in the proportion of science and engineering graduates from 1996 to 71.08% down to 47 in 2020.92%, the discipline structure of college graduates does not adapt to the changes in science and technology, industrial structure and labor market structure, resulting in structural unemployment and total unemployment, resulting in a serious waste of talent。Therefore, building an industrial power needs to train more STEM professionals, which is also the only way to develop high-quality education and promote high-quality development。

High-quality education requires efforts to achieve educational equity。Educational equity is the cornerstone of social equity。As the core value of modern society, educational equity is not only an educational idea, but also carries the realistic responsibility of promoting the harmonious development of society。The basic connotation of educational equity is to realize the maximum possible educational equality of the largest number of people under the realistic social conditions, so educational equity has been given the important significance of the starting point of social equity。Educational equity reflects a country's understanding of the important position of education in national development, and requires us to continuously promote and realize educational equity in the contradiction between ideal and reality。

In short, high-quality education is the education that people are satisfied with, and it is the education that ADAPTS to and promotes high-quality development。This concept has important guiding significance for every college teacher。

In order to run a satisfactory education for the people, we need an excellent team of teachers。"Teachers preach, teach, and dispel doubts。"A master of scripture is easy to obtain, but a master of man is hard to find."。As a teacher in a university (especially in a normal university), we should not only be an excellent "Confucian teacher", but also a noble "human teacher".。On the one hand, in the teaching work, we should study diligently, consolidate the theoretical foundation, improve teaching skills, and strive for excellence in each class;In the scientific research work, we should devote ourselves to research, seek the truth, and strive to be an innovative scholar who has made contributions。On the other hand, adhere to moral education, be a model for teachers, care for students, be a good guide for students to grow up, do students to learn, behave, do a demonstration, and strive to become a "big Mr."。In short, as a college teacher, we should stick to the original intention of educating people, strive to train more outstanding talents, and contribute our youth to running high-quality education and promoting high-quality development。

Editor: Li Xinru

Editor: Ma Tiequan

Review: Chen Lirong

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