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Liu Maosong: A preliminary study on the theory of new quality productivity ①

2024-03-17 10:28   来源:New Hunan   作者:Liu Maosong   点击:

习近平总书记1月31日在主持中共中央政治局学习时强调推动新质生产力加快发展,并提出了新质生产力主要理论观点,这意味着党中央将以更大决心推动以智能化科技创新引领产业全面振兴。Strategic emerging industries and future industries are the key to building an industrial system of digital economy and the main position for developing new quality productivity。基于此,习近平总书记明确指示“要大力发展数字经济,促进数字经济和实体经济深度融合,打造具有国际竞争力的数字产业集群”,构筑我国新竞争优势、赢得发展主动权。

Changsha Health and Medical big Data Industry Incubation Base, located in Xiangjiang New District, Hunan Province, is making every effort to build a health and medical digital industry demonstration zone in central China。 Photo by correspondent)

The connotation and characteristics of new quality productive forces

According to historical materialism, productive forces are the ability of human beings to transform and conquer nature, and they are the decisive force and source of motivation to promote the continuous development of human civilization。Engels said, "With each epoch-making discovery in the field of natural science, materialism must also change its form.。Today, human society is accelerating into the era of digital economy, and digital technologies represented by 5G, big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence are profoundly changing people's production and life and social exchanges。The iteration and upgrading of science and technology promote the transformation of production mode, and the new quality productivity is the product of the accelerated evolution of science and technology to promote social development, and is a new driving force for high-quality development。

1. New quality productivity is the ultimate result of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution

On the basis of the fourth scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution, informatization, networking, digitalization, intelligence, automation, green, and high efficiency are the key points of improvement。Its "new" is mainly reflected in new forms, such as new technologies, new models, new industries, new formats, new fields, new racetracks, new momentum, and new advantages;Its "quality" is mainly reflected in high efficiency, high efficiency and high quality, and the key is mainly for emerging fields and future industries, focusing on high-quality development。

The new quality productivity has three characteristics: First, the new quality productivity is the advanced productivity facing the emerging field。Emerging fields mainly refer to the development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution, focusing on cultivating a new generation of information technology, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, green environmental protection, aerospace, Marine equipment and other strategic emerging industries, which reflects the development requirements of new quality productivity。Second, the new quality productivity is the advanced productivity facing the future industry。As a concrete manifestation of the current advanced productivity, new quality productivity promotes the birth and growth of future industries, and also depends on the cultivation of future industries such as brain-like intelligence, quantum information, gene technology, future network, deep sea, space and space development, hydrogen energy and energy storage, and thus forms new productivity。Third, new quality productive forces are advanced productive forces that balance new supply and new demand。Relying on new scientific and technological innovation, we will provide more products and services with high quality, high performance, high reliability, high safety and high environmental protection, better meet and create effective demand, and promote Chinese-style modernization。

2. The three elements of productivity are optimized under the action of high and new technology

Marx said, "The difference between economic ages lies not in what is produced, but in how it is produced and with what means of Labour.。New quality productivity is the contemporary advanced productivity spawned by revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and upgrading,It takes the qualitative change of workers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimal combination as its basic connotation,With the improvement of total factor productivity as the core symbol: first, the workers are high-tech。In the Internet era, data is a new factor of production, a basic and strategic resource, and an important productive force。When data becomes the object of labor and algorithms become the tools of labor, workers must have certain digital literacy and master certain digital skills。Being able to operate, control and maintain digital technology and equipment has become the standard for new quality productive workers in the new era。Second, the object of labor is high-tech。With the development of high and new science and technology, the object of human labor has changed greatly。This is reflected in the high-tech of traditional labor objects, the emergence of new materials, new energy, data and other new labor objects。With the advancement of scientific and technological innovation, the development of artificial intelligence, biotechnology, data-driven and other fields, the scope and field of labor objects continue to expand, which can release huge productivity efficiency。Third, high-tech labor materials。The core of the digital age is the intelligent number of labor tools,The integration of industrialization and digital intelligence,The tools of labor are interwoven with the virtual and the real,It includes intelligent and comprehensive digital information infrastructure,It also includes common equipment such as modern computing centers and data processing centers, electronic information equipment facilities and various communication tools,It also includes commercial software and hardware facilities for different fields, industries and groups,Greatly improved labor productivity。

3. On the whole, the new quality productivity represents the leap in the quality of social productivity

It is the productivity in which scientific and technological innovation plays a leading role,High efficiency, high efficiency, high quality,It is different from the development mode of productivity that relies on a large amount of resource input and high consumption of resources and energy,It is productivity that has broken away from the traditional growth path and meets the requirements of high-quality development,It is a productive force that is more innovative, more integrated and more reflective of new connotations in the digital era,Decisive significance。The main core of the new quality productivity theory is: First, the new quality productivity is the concrete manifestation of advanced productivity under the leadership of the Party in the new era。It deeply reflects the Party's understanding of the regularity of science and technology promoting the development of productive forces。Scientific and technological innovation promotes the development of productive forces and breeds advanced productive forces。Second, the new quality productivity is the inevitable outcome of the high-quality development of China's economy and society in the new era。Guided by innovation, we will gradually move away from the traditional human -, resource - and energy-driven growth model, shift the advantage of low-cost to that of innovation, and create new industries, foster new growth drivers, and form new strengths。Third, new quality productivity is the key driving factor leading the global innovative sustainable development。A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening, the digital economy is deeply integrated with the real economy, and we are accelerating the construction of a high-quality modern industrial system that is intelligent, green and integrated and meets the requirements of integrity, advanced nature and safety, and forming and developing new quality productive forces that are becoming more advanced。

Original link:http://m.voc.com.cn/xhn/news/202403/19565082.html

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